
Great strategy begins with exceptional insights.

But there is no value in great insights if you don’t act on them. Together, we create tangible and meaningful outcomes for your organisation and the people you serve.

A person holding a phone and their coffee cup smiling.


Our solutions


Crack the code of human complexity.

  • Empathy and closeness
  • Lifestyles, needs and behaviours
  • Segmentation and personas


Inspire products & services that enrich people’s lives.

  • Opportunity spaces
  • Co-creation and optimisation
  • Foresights and futures


Elevate the moments that matter to people.

  • Journey mapping
  • Path-to-purchase
  • Product and service experience


Build the brands people love.

  • Brand strategy and positioning
  • Marketing and communications
  • Brand performance


Our capabilities


From focus groups to eyetracking, generate the insights you need.

  • Qualitative research
  • Quantitative research
  • Communities
  • Cultural Insights & Semiotics
  • Synthesis


Got the insight – now let’s do something about it.

  • Insight socialisation
  • Consumer empathy programmes
  • Workshops
  • Strategy activation
  • Executive communications


Strategies, experiences and transformation. Our consultative capabilities can take your work to the next level.

  • Internal transformation
  • Employee experience
  • Customer experience

AI & technology

Harness the power of AI & technology through our tools, platforms and expertise.

  • Generative & Analytical AI
  • Square Online Community Platform
  • Tools & Academy

Let’s connect

How can we help you?